5 Benefits of Quality Bank Web Development
When you think about your bank website, you need to understand the difference between website design and website development. If your website were a physical building, the design would be the surface features and usability, like the carpet, the wallpaper, and the light fixtures. Web development encompasses the barebone structure and functionality, such as the framework, plumbing, and electrical wiring. […]
3 Bank Website Design Trends for 2020
Imagine if your physical bank location had a hedge maze in front that made customers search for the way in. Picture your bank with multiple doors, but only one of them is functional. What if your building were in disrepair or looked dated? Would your customers dread doing business with you because of these obstacles? Would potential customers hesitate to […]
6 Principles of Good Bank Web Design Practices
The success of your business highly depends on your website. Long gone are the days where you didn’t have to bother about the visual look, the information given, and the level of satisfaction your website provides. The number one priority for every business is to understand its users and attract them through design. Today we’re going to cover several web […]
What is UI? What is UX?
Everything in One Place
You hear about UX and UI every single day, but do you really know what they mean? What’s the difference between them, and how can you utilize them to improve your work? UX is an acronym for User Experience or more precisely User Experience Design. UI stands for User Interface or User Interface Design. You’ll learn the most important aspects […]
The Importance of Design Sprints – What Are They?
Every designer and product developer is familiar with the concept of design sprints. The topic attracted a lot of interest when Google engineer Jake Knapp published his book Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Five Days. Design sprints are a great tool for smarter product creation, no matter whether the product means improved design, web […]
The Importance of Responsive Web Design
What is responsive design? How does it work? What are the most commonly used tools, and how are they used? If you want to learn the basics of quality responsive web design, we’ve summed up everything in one place. Let’s dive in! 🙂 Table of Contents Web Design Introduction Defining Responsive Web Design How Responsive Web Design Works Designing Flexible […]