How to Recognize, Remove, and Avoid Malware on Your Bank Website

Malware or malicious software is software designed to harm a computer, device system, or device network or to seize partial control of its functionality and operation. As one of the main risks, it also attempts to access your personal and confidential information, which represents a major issue for your bank website. Malware can take numerous forms, including viruses, adware, Trojan […]

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Top 10 Most Dangerous Online Banking Malware in 2023

Online banking allows you to do bank transactions without having to physically visit a bank. Even conventional paper trade bankers have embraced this style of money management since online banking platforms have made it so simple. However, there are risks linked to online banking. Even though they provide ease and convenience, online banking platforms have provided fraudsters and hackers with […]

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What Is VPS And Why Does your Bank Need It?

VPS hosting is the best option for your bank website if you’re looking for a new hosting plan or solely want to transfer from a shared host you are currently using. As most marketing agencies will provide shared hosting for your bank website, we strongly suggest that you reconsider and think about the benefits that come along with private hosting.  […]

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How to Ensure Hosting Security for Your Bank Website?

If you want to offer the highest caliber services on the website that is the face of your bank, a reliable website hosting service is essential. The benefits of a quality web hosting service are countless, regardless of whether you’re running a virtual store, blog, or bank website. A superb web hosting provider must provide a secure and reliable online […]

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How to Secure a Bank Website from Hackers?

The first thing that customers expect from a bank website is security. Naturally, due to the sensitive information they hold, bank websites and any similar financial service providers have become the obvious target of hackers. In fact, in 2021 alone, there have been 1,473 cyberattacks in the United States which led to 164.6 million successful data breaches. It certainly makes […]

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6 Bank Website Security Threats Emerging in 2022

Dramatical changes have happened in the financial sector in recent years. The ongoing digital transformation for the financial institutions combined with the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way people work and engage with their finances. Online banking and remote working have become the new normal. These changes had a great deal of impact on the bank websites. Websites get attacked […]

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