It’s no secret that having a well-designed website is a big investment for any type of business including banks. Having an appealing and functional bank website should always be a top priority, however, the fact is that no matter how much you invest in this endeavor websites tend to have their own expiry date. With that in mind, you may wonder what is the average lifespan of a bank website? How long will a well-maintained website last? And most importantly, when is the right time for a bank website redesign?


In order to find the answers to these questions, it’s crucial to understand how to recognize when your website needs a change in design. In other words, you need to know how to read the signs and respond appropriately. For instance, if you determine that your bank website has a few downsides that can easily be fixed a complete redesign isn’t necessary. But if there are too many issues then you should definitely consider changing your website design drastically.

Here are some of the most common reasons why it’s time for a bank website redesign.


Your Bank Website is Not Responsive and Uses Obsolete Tools

As technology evolves, users tend to own and use various devices while browsing the Internet. This means that your bank website is visited through mobile devices, tablets, desktop computers, and other devices which requires that it is accessible to everyone. When designing your website mobile responsiveness is one of the most important things to consider in order to provide a seamless experience to the users. In order to achieve this, bank websites use different technologies or plugins which if not regularly maintained can get outdated. Therefore, if the tools your website has been connected to aren’t functional it means that your website is broken. For instance, Flash is a program that doesn’t work on many devices, so if your bank website uses this program some elements won’t be available to your customers. 


Your Bank Website is Not User Friendly

Although each element of your website works properly, sometimes the overall user experience may not be functional enough. Even though you have tested every functionality it may still be difficult for users to find what they are looking for on your bank website. Every feature there needs to make sense and be crystal clear to the users why it is there. The best way to solve this problem is to check what your competitors are doing. Take your time to analyze some of the most successful websites in your industry and keep up with the latest trends. In these cases, a complete bank website redesign may be the solution to your problems with customer retention.


Your Bank Website Looks Outdated

Some websites may be newly designed and just a few years old but look like they have been created 10 years ago. If you are using old-fashioned elements and features or don’t follow the latest trends in the design industry it is very likely that your website will look outdated. Having an outdated bank website can definitely hurt your business, so this is one of the top reasons why it is time for a website redesign.


Your Content Needs a Complete Update

The design and the content of your bank website are closely related. Therefore, if you have to change one it’s necessary to change the other as well. If the content of your website doesn’t reflect your mission and vision, it’s not clear enough and doesn’t drive traffic, then it’s important to update it. And when you need to update the content it is time for a complete website redesign. The ideal approach to this is to regularly review the content so you can recognize the need for occasional updates instead of having outdated or inaccurate content.


Your Digital Marketing Strategy Has Changed

If your bank website doesn’t reflect your current marketing strategy you have to consider a website redesign. From launching a few new products or services to a complete rebranding, your bank website needs to stay up to date. Whether the transformation is on the visual side or at the core of your strategy, a website redesign is required.  


Any of the above-mentioned reasons are good enough for your bank website to be redesigned or refreshed. To sum up, you should have your customers in mind when editing your website because that’s the way to keep their attention and earn their trust. Your bank website should serve your customers and if it doesn’t do that then you should take drastic measures to change that state. And if you aren’t sure where to start, the BankSite Services team is here to help.